Sunday, April 19, 2015

Almost there, Baby Z!

Taken at thirty five weeks and three days (04-19-15).
Room 907 Crown Regency Hotel and Towers, Cebu City.

So there, the photos are already laid out for every stumbling soul to scrutinize. There's no turning back now. The anxiety of being judged is there. But to fear is nothing if truth sets us free. Yeah yeah, we got church married but not the grand one. Not the one that he and I excitedly planned and talked about before he came home from overseas. Baby Z happened, that's why. The wedding was just a handful and a half of guests who were there to witness. Nonetheless, and what is more important is that, the ceremony was binding. Papers and all and of course the priest's blessing - which means we were able to receive the holy Sacrament of Matrimony.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Children Taken for Granted

Meet Princess, my little buddy at work. 


This is probably her first time seeing a crayon, and posing in front of a camera too (by the way she growls at me. Lol) Princess often knocks at the glass door of our office around ten in the morning, sticks her face on the glass wall and calls "Ateeeeeeeee" referring to me. Haha. She's often accompanied by her 4yr. old brother (who looks nonetheless good despite the dirt all over them). I was charmed by Princess not only because she looks very cuddly and malambing but also because she (and her brother), unlike the other street kids, doesn't ask for money or food but just for my attention. She smiles and laughs whenever I play and talk with her. She doesn't necessarily respond but you could tell by the way she smiles that she's enjoying the conversation. When not in the mood, she would just ignore my attempts to annoy her and holds her tears under her breath which might be because her brother is with his other playmates. She's so clingy! 😊